Moontrail is a product and service by LAUREA and Globistack

We represent the best of both worlds: expertise in learning experiences and expertise in development of software.


The LAUREA staff are experts in the design and organisation of learning experiences for professionals.

We create and implement (personalised) learning pathways. In doing so and adding marketing and Moontrail, we strengthen communities of professionals.

We operate at the crossroads of event- and project management, educational methodologies, marketing and information technology.

We work in English, Dutch and French in Europe and the Middle-East. We are community builders.


Globistack delivers next-generation cloud-based all-in-one software to grow, manage, and digitally transform your business and specializes in secure and durable development of web applications, online platforms and software as a service.

Globistack offers a full service and takes care of the hosting, maintenance and technical support including updates, bug fixes and optimizations.

The Globistack software is customizable to the needs of your business.

What we stand for.

Functional expertise

We work with content creators and learners on a daily basis. 

We know the needs and concerns of both and have built Moontrail with all this expertise in mind. 

Technical expertise

We have over two decades of programming and hosting experience. We walk the talk and can customise, if needed, Moontrail to your specific business needs.


We get our energy and drive of seeing the impact of the learning experience on the learners. 

Only with behavioural change, there is impact. 

We have designed Moontrail with impact in mind. 

Privacy and Security

We developped Moontrail with privacy in mind. This means that we built in the GDPR privacy rules with every development.

Security is part of GDPR and is central in the development of Moontrail. We have several steps built into the software and verify the security.

The Team.

Stefaan De Corte
Tom De Decker

It feels comfortable to put a face on the software solution.

Stefaan (left) and his team are part of Laurea whilst Tom and his team are part of Globistack.

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